Eva Speck

Dear Sir or Madam

I am writing in regards to the National Benefit Authority and how
much help they have given me.

When I first sent in the T2201 Form to the government I was denied.
I was very disappointed for I thought that I was entitled to the monies
that should have been mine. When I received the email from the NBA
I thought maybe these are the right people to fight for me and what I
was entitled to. They seemed to have first hand contacts with the
government and that was a door that could now be opened for me.

The second thing that the NBA helped me with was important
contacts with specialists that I needed to see. I had to see a doctor
on call to fill out the T2201 Form and he made sure that if I was
entitled to the money he would have to verify that I indeed was
disabled. Unfortunately he found more than I would have wanted
to deal with. But because of this consultation I was referred to a
specialist who is dealing with one of my problems first hand.
Dr. Hoffman discovered from my MRI that my spinal fluid is
leaking into the facets of my spine which is causing major inflammation.
I am now on a list to have a steroid spinal injection. Hopefully this
injection will help with some of the pain I am experiencing. Nothing
can be done with the fibromyalgia or the arthritis but hopefully I will
be able to at least stand for more than 10 minutes at a time and walk
further than a town block without extreme pain.

So you see the NBA not only opened a door to the CRA but
to the medical world as well where I never would have received
this help probably in a long while. My disability pay is less than
$600.00 a month. I would give anything to be able to go back
to work at minimum wage or better and earn my own money
and BE PAIN FREE! So yes the money I receive helps me
and I feel that yes I am entitled to these monies. Thank you
National Benefit Authority.

Thank you for taking the time to read this letter and
Happy Holidays to you all.


Eva Speck

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